We consider ourselves creative translators telling a story. BUT the industry we belong to is called marketing. We don’t believe marketing is just a pretty package that tries to appeal to a consumer or tries to be cute with a catchy slogan. We believe that when a consumer is bombarded with over 3,000 marketing messages a day that odds are, they’re not paying much attention to a specific brand.

We believe that marketing is about translating life’s ideas into stories that create and develop relationships with the consumer. It’s about creating trust with the consumer so that they feel they’re not going to get ripped off by a cheap product or a fly by night service.  The goal is to create positive conversation about a brand.  Consumers need to relate to a brand via a translated story. As a result, a consumer wants to share the brand with their friends.

Our passion is real. Our creative talents and skills are real.  We are artists, designers, animators and techies. Everyday we live and breathe our passion for translating ideas into creative stories. We don’t “half ass” anything at Rio Vista Media. We’ve been translating ideas for over 15 years, sharing them with our clients and moving them toward ever more exceptional work among digital and social media as well as traditional media, content, strategy and trend setting.

Yes, we are a small studio BUT our energy and fervor for creating stunning hand-crafted digital imagery brands us a large studio with big ideas and strong finishes. We are planted in the heart of Miami, Florida with a satellite studio in Jupiter, Florida.

We Thrive On Challenging Projects. They Produce Bigger Rewards In The End.

The Right Tools. The Right Solution.

“True art and design are unlimited in their mode of expression.  In the realm of advertising and marketing, they try to reveal that which lies deeper with pure invention.”  – Saachi & Saachi

Our Services

Beautiful Imagery

Our images tell a story, share a feeling and reveal information to your customers.

Images Tell A Story

Rest assure we will incorporate beautiful imagery into your project so it stands out to the world.

Intuitive Creativity

Our intuitive thinking allows our customers to easily be a part of the full creative process.

Intuition Matters

Guessing is useless without a clear understanding of what the clients wants. We include intuitive, easy to use creativity.

Precision Design

No matter what project size or audience, rest assure your content will look polished and amazing.

Looks Amazing

Your project matters most, and needs to be effectively delivered. This happens with our precise and strategic design.

Cups of Water in the Florida Heat
Un-Satisfied Clients
Hours a Day of Creativity

Meet Your New Friends, Our Gurus.

Dan Shepherd
Dan ShepherdCo-Founder | Visual FX Supervisor
Dan is the man! He has some cool movie credits under his belt via Digital Domain experience. Dan likes to keep all projects on the up and up meaning he is very productive and thorough. Co-workers and our clients appreciate Dan’s witty sense of humor and often clever comments on the fly.

Dan is also a brainstormer, avid inventor, and a great dad. He knows how to cook a great shepherds pie even though he’s not Irish. Dan is a great asset to RVM Studio.

Jonathan Davis
Jonathan DavisCo-Founder | Art Director | Animator
Jonathan (JD) is a character himself. He will actually be seen at the studio acting out movements of a character before animating them with the computer. He is a Ringling grad as well as a former lead animator for big projects with Disney, Universal Studios, and even NASA.

As Art Director, JD is appreciated by our clients b/c as the clients often say, “he gets it.” JD knows what designs or marketing will sell a product or service. He is a multimedia marketing expert.

Denis Ovchinnikov
Denis OvchinnikovProduction Manager
Turns out Denis is not a menace. Denis has been our very productive production manager at RVM. He’s been involved with the planning, coordination and control of our daily pipelines. Our clients appreciate his previous production experience coming from various industries particularly the information industry and Google.

Denis is Russian but is able to hide his accent from most people except when he screaming during a Russian hockey game. He also loves to educate others about the great culture of Russia – his mother land.

We Are Global And Have Helped Clients Worldwide.

We know culture.

We Thrive Ourselves On Creativity, Intuition & Determination.

Whether it’s at work; a party; social gathering; stuck on the highway; or traveling within a different culture we are always thinking creatively.

We Are Creative

B-ing Kree-ative iz all par-t uv the Fun.  Spell checkers and copywriters really hate us sometimes when we fool around with words.

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We Have Intuition

Design is not just drawing shapes and colored objects – it’s a “gut feeling” or “vision” you have telling you what will look the best.

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We Are Determined

Our determination and diligence is clearly seen in our portfolio work.  We are always determined to see our clients succeed.

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We’re Here To Give Your Business A Boost!

Through Creative Ideas, Innovation & Sheer Determination

Let’s Get Started!