Project Description

The World Should Be This Helpful

The Recovery Miracle (TRM) is an addiction treatment plan to help people with prescription opioid, heroin and alcohol addictions. TRM was setup to help solve the problem of addiction. The human brain is often subjected to chemicals that can lead to addiction but TRM helps to end the vicious cycle of trying to quit a strong addiction. The 2D Animation was made to target a younger adult audience that wants to live life without addiction.


Initial Concept & Character Design

We met with the Client to finalize their marketing concept. They wanted a 2D character fighting an addiction. The Client wanted a 1 minute national TV commercial.

Convert Drawings to Vector Art

Once the 2D character was designed along with the storyboards and background scenes – the next step was to convert the sketch drawings into vector art for animating.

Rigging 2D Character

Utilizing the 2D vector artwork our animators imported the vector graphics into AfterEffects for animation rigging. The animators rigged the character using a plugin called DUIK.

Animation & Visual FX

Once the character was fully rigged our animators starting creating and animating each scene (6 scenes total). Other visual FX were added to enhance the 2D animation.

The Recovery Miracle – TV Commercial

Software Used: Adobe Illustrator | Photoshop | After Effects | DUIK | Premiere Pro

Animation Helping People

Team Members
Days of Production
Addictions Helped

It all starts with a sketch.

When we were contacted by The Addiction Advisors (TAA) we were asked to create a 2D character for their upcoming TV commercial. After we met with TAA we were eager to get started. So we came up with a 2D character that represented TAA’s consumer marketing objective. The 2D character chosen was ideal for TAA’s target audience representing a young adult male suffering from a drug addiction.

Explosive Results

Upon completion of the 2D Character Animation for TAA we were told by the company that they appreciated our hard work and were happy with the final results. They said they were excited to get the animation on TV as soon as possible. To date, TAA has the animation scheduled to run on nation-wide TV. They also informed us that they were interested in doing an additional 30 second spot.